It has been a while since I have had a chance to try anything new in the kitchen due to a mini renovation going on in there. This past weekend I worked on redoing my countertops with a kit I found at Lowe’s which I will review today.
Countertop Transformations ( is an easy do-it-yourself method of redoing your countertops at a very affordable price. The new countertop is applied directly over the existing one and comes in a variety of colors. Provided your old countertops are in decent condition (not warping bad or peeling off), give yourself a weekend and you could be on your way to a new kitchen
While not everything comes with the kit, there is a great list right on the box of all the additional items you will need to purchase (paint rollers, brushes, etc) Everything is laid out well in the box and even includes a DVD to show how to apply the new countertop.
Step 1: Measure your kitchen
Make sure to calculate the amount of countertop to be covered beforehand so you know if one kit will be enough. My kitchen has about 2/3 of the countertop that the kit will cover so I was good to go.
Step 2: Prepare Countertop
Stated time needed: ~30-45min for 50 sq. ft
Actual time needed: ~A bit over an hour
Clean the countertop well to ensure that all grease is off. Then sand the surface so that the adhesive base will stick better. It was sometimes hard to see the scratches in my laminate but as long as you give it a bit of attention, it should be fine. Once the countertop is sanded and wiped down, tape off all areas you don’t want to get messy. I recommend getting
Frog Tape![](
for areas that you want a sharp edge on. It is a painters tape that has a sealer on the edges to keep material from bleeding through like some other painters tapes do. I would also recommend taping a cloth in front of any cabinets so that the color speckles will just drop to the floor instead of getting inside everything.
Step 3-5: Apply Base Coat, Wetting Agent, and Decorative Chips
Stated time needed: ~1 hour, -, 20 minutes
Actual time needed: ~1 hour total
Overall this step wasn’t as bad I was imagining while reading the instructions. The biggest deal is that you only have 20 minutes from the time you start applying this really thick paint until the time that you apply the colored chips to make sure they all stick well. I broke my countertops into two sections so that I could apply the chips as I went. As it states in the instructions “more is better” and I made sure the countertops were well coated with decorative chips. It probably goes without saying, but be prepared to have a HUGE mess. There were chips all over the floor and then proceeded to be tracked through a lot of the house. They do clean up fairly easily though.
Step 6: Sand down the new Surface
Stated time needed: ~2hrs
Actual time needed: 2+ hrs
Once the chips and adhesive base have cured for 12 hours, I went through and salvaged as many of the chips as possible before sanding. Any extras that are left over make great gifts for those artsy/crafty people in your life to have fun with. It can be very easy to sand right through the base on the edges so be extra careful there. I had to do a couple small repairs on areas that got missed/sanded too far but overall it was on track to turn out great!
Step 7: Apply Protective Top Coat
Stated time needed: ~1hr
Actual time needed: ~1hr
This is the step that turns a bunch of glued down tiny confetti into a countertop! As opposed to the case adhesive, this coat is very thin and is prone to run on vertical surfaces so beware of that. It is important to get this coat as even as possible since any major bumps or ridges will be more apparent than any of the other layers. Once the top coat is on, it needs to sit for 48 hours before using lightly and then a full week before using it as normal. I removed the tape and cleaned up the area the next day after letting the top coat sit overnight. This way the coating wouldn’t be completely sealed and solid so I could actually get the painters tape out fairly easily.
Overall opinions
Once things fully cure and I have a chance to use my new countertop, I will be able to better give an opinion on how well it holds up but for right now it seems pretty nice and should work well for me. I was tired of having the laminate lines along the edges which made the kitchen feel a bit old and outdated. Now I have a beautiful countertop that matches my new color scheme for my kitchen. While I still need to finish the lower cabinets, I am well on my way to my new kitchen! It is possible to do the countertop renovation all on your own, but I would recommend having a second person to help every now and then.